October 28, 2010

What Do You Put on Your Ledge?

Both photos by Maria Killam

I was reading a blog post from the very talented Maria Killam of Colour Me Happy this morning and she was talking about ways to create art for her home. The subject of 'the ledge' came up.

As pictured in her photographs, you can see the awkward ledge that many of us have in our homes. Which brings me to the question; What do you put on your ledge?

I rarely get stumped with color or design but I'll admit it when I do. 
  • Why do we have these ledges anyway? 
  • What were the builders thinking? 
  • Do they serve a purpose other than collecting dust?
  • Is there really a ladder that reaches that high?

These are all legitimate questions in my eyes and some of you may be chuckling now because you have 'the ledge' too and don't know what to do with it. You don't want to know what I have on my ledge but I'll embarrass myself and show you (don't judge now LoL)

Wall color - Stone Brown by Behr

I know. I know. Those darn kids of mine are always horsing around. Apparently they thought this was funny … well it is in a bizarre way. It's pathetic but if you can come up with a better idea for me, please let me know. (ps -burning the ledge doesn't count)


  1. Hi Charlotte, OMG I laughed so hard when I saw that doll. My client did do a great job with that ledge. The best I've ever seen, although what made it work was that it relates to her entire house. I can't wait to see what everyone else posts!!

  2. Oh one more thing, can you change the spelling of my name to Killam. I posted this on my facebook page - it's a scream!

  3. Maria - btw Donna, and yes the doll is funny but boy does it throw people off when them come into my home expecting it to look a certain way and then seeing that doll up there.

    They reply 'kids?'
    I answer, 'of course'

    It's all good :-)

  4. LOL! Well, at least the doll is a conversation starter, right?
    Are the ledges deep enough to use as shelves?

  5. Sharon - you may be on to something! The shelves are only about a book width deep. I have tons of old books I can put there - but - I think something with more height will look better. What do you think? I try it and see!

    Thanks for the suggestion!

  6. I would stack a real big piece of art!

  7. I don't have an answer for you, because I struggle with the same question. But I am a new follower.


  8. Well thanks for stopping by Laurie. New follow? - welcome to my world of color. I'll come visit your 'little blue chairs'


  9. Anonymous11:27 AM

    So cute! How about a painting of a fruit tree and in front place the doll reaching for the fruit? Or... books (as suggested) with a mini library ladder with giant coffee mug/tea cup and saucer? :-)
    - flitteringbutterfly@hotmail.com

  10. How about leaving it bare ??

  11. Shay - I just may do that. The doll is now taken down (sniff sniff) the kids needed it for a Halloween prop and they did not have permission to put it back up.

    If I add something to the ledge, that means I'll have to dust it. I also don't want the typical knick knacks that are usually seen on ledges.

    Having said that, I do have some ideas. I'll add a follow up post about it.


Let me know what you think!