August 3, 2010

Costa Rica Ox Carts

Costa Rica hand painted Ox Cart

As if the scenery wasn't beautiful enough, 
the hand painted Ox Carts of Costa Rica are breathtaking.

The brightly painted ox carts were used as means of transportation to haul the coffee crop and other export goods from the Central Vally to the port at Puntarenas. These carts had a huge importance in the economic development of Costa Rica. Can you imagine seeing this cartful of color trekking through the mountains and to the coast of Costa Rica? What a sight!

Paint cans used for painting ox carts.
I wonder what the inspiration behind all these carts were?

The wildlife?

The flora?

The sunsets?

Like anything else and everything else … yes. I'm sure all of these were and continue to be the inspiration for many things. From choosing color for our walls at home or even for ox carts, finding inspiration for color is all around us.


  1. The ox carts are definitely works of art!

  2. So vibrant and vivacious... I love it! And that sunset... wow

  3. Amazing! It's a fun coincidence that the four colors you picked are present in my little island's flag:)
    And I can attest that the islanders do love vibrant colors like those

  4. Paula Doelling Lynn9:20 AM

    Such vivid and lovely colors -- love the intensity of hue that Costa Rica exudes!! Great Share, Donna!!


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