August 4, 2010

A Tribute to Crayola

While working at my desk this morning compiling my color swatches for a clients portfolio, I was thinking back to how I got where I am today. I have so much to be thankful for. I have a career in color which I worked towards my entire life. Every job I had from hand painting fine china as a Ceramic Decorator for Delano Studios to several Interior Design firms in New York and Pittsburgh. I was like a sponge soaking up all the information I needed to someday be on my own as an Interior Designer.

I think back when I was just a little kid. What made me choose this very colorful career? I would have to say the glorious and very colorful box of 64. Every Sunday our family would drive to Great Neck, NY to visit my Grandparents. It was about an hour ride coming from Port Jefferson, Long Island. My mom would make the first stop to the stationery store (that's what we called it back in the day) and picked up a coloring book and a box of 64 Crayola Crayons. I remember opening the box and smelling the new, fresh crayons and instantly getting a smile on my face. Digging into all that color was the best! Which color did I pick first? I have no idea but all I know is that I would get a new box of crayons and a coloring book every Sunday and my drawings went from this:

to this …
Long Island Sound by Donna Frasca

Tribute to the Twin Towers by Donna Frasca

Montana by Donna Frasca

Tulips by Donna Frasca

So yes, I do contribute using Crayola Crayons as a HUGE influence to what I do today. I still continue to learn and grow listening and learning from the great people around me. From my Twitter friends to my Facebook friends, who are mostly designers in some way, I cherish all their opinions whether I agree or not because there is a lesson to be learned. I love reading all their blog posts and websites.  Here are a few of my favorites and they should be yours too!

Lori Sawaya of Color Strategies

Kiki Titterud also with Sensational Color for Your Home

Beryn Hammil of Beryn Hammil Designs


  1. Ah, the Box of 64... just seems to deserve capitalization, doesn't it? It was a treasure of mine, too, as a child. Thanks for sharing your journey!

  2. Big hug to you Donna. Thank you for the nice mention. It was fun to see your paintings that progressed out of your early love for coloring. Now you have room size canvases to color and your love of color always shines through!

  3. Love seeing the evolution of your artist style. And I'm flattered to be on such an exclusive list. Thank you Donna. You inspire me onward.

  4. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Love, love crayons! This post is taking me back...

  5. I love your art....I'm so glad you shared it! The painting of Montana looks like a photograph! I love Crayons and colored pencils! Have the close by as I write! And thanks for the links! I love new blogs to visit! ♥

  6. An evolution it is Beryn. I look back to when I first started blogging (embarrassing) to now and I see a huge difference. I fine tuned my focus to where I need to be and what it is I need to do to progress with a successful business and it's working. Again, it's a great interaction with cyber friends that contribute to my success along with focus - and having a targeted business mind as well!

    Thank you ladies! I appreciate all your comments :-)

  7. Gorgeous painting!! Of course I love Long Island Sound!!!!


Let me know what you think!