June 24, 2010

A Call from HGTV?

I'm going about my blogging, designing and colorful day and the phone rings. I check the caller I.D and it's a generic “Comcast” name. Comcast? Ok, I'll answer it. 
Hi Donna, this is C**** from HGTV Bang for your Buck. We are filming in Charlotte in August and would like to know . . . . ”.  

It sounded like a segment from the old Charlie Brown cartoons, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I really couldn't hear much after I heard HGTV. My mind just went blank from excitement!

As the call progressed I got my act together and actually tried to comprehend what C**** had to day. To make sure, I asked it she could please send me an email with details and I'll see if could accommodate her. So here is the email she sent.

Hi Donna,

Thanks for taking the time to speak with me a moment ago.  Let me reiterate what we spoke about and give you details below.

I am casting for Season 5 of HGTV's Bang For Your Buck (see episodes here: www.hgtv.com/bang).  We plan to film in Charlotte, NC, August 9th-12th. We are looking for three recent (completed within the last 2-3 years) Master Suite renovations or additions with a total cost between $60K-70K to feature on our show. The Master Suite can be a part of a larger renovation.  Since our show is very homeowner-centric, we are looking for young, fun, enthusiastic, and diverse homeowners to walk us through their space on camera. 

TV moves quickly,(moves quickly? I can't even plan a turkey dinner in two days) so I apologize in advance for the tight deadline.  Hopefully we can work something out.  If so, here is a quick rundown of the casting process:

1) Please contact the homeowner to be sure they are interested and available to be appear on camera the week of August 9th-12th.  

2) Email me multiple before and after photos of the renovation, along with the final cost of the project.  If you have large files, feel free to use the free file-sharing site instead of sending multiple emails to accommodate the large files, but please follow up with an email to be sure I receive the filemail link. 

3) Attached you will find the homeowner application and cost breakdown sheet.  Please have the homeowners fill out the application and cost sheet and email it back to me, along with the extra photos requested at the bottom of the application. 

4) Feel free to have homeowners send application materials as they are completed to keep the ball rolling, as opposed to waiting until everything is finished to send all at once.  Also feel free to have your clients contact me directly with questions or to submit materials.

5) If these projects meet all the casting criteria and falls within the narrowed price point, I will set up a phone interview with the homeowners.  Let's focus on the first four points, though, and cross this bridge when it presents itself.  :)

I need to have this entire casting process wrapped up by this Friday,(note: that was in two days from when I received this email) so I would need all applications and photos by Thursday.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  I look forward to hearing from you!

Well the search for willing clients in an extreme short notice (2 days) proved to be a bit challenging. Some clients were camera shy, on vacation or didn't want the financial commitment to tweak their room to look fabulous. But you have a chance to be on HGTV!!

That's ok, I'm a true believer that if it's meant to be, it will be. So to try to make the best of this opportunity, I proposed my Color Recipes to HGTV in hopes that they will be able to use the idea in an article on their website or in some other fabulous way.

Thanks to all my Facebook friends for your kind comments and support and to HGTV for the chance, however small it was, to be on your show. Good luck to HGTV when you film here in Charlotte in August!!

Hey, not for nothing but it's great just to be nominated!!


  1. How exciting!! You are now on the radar! :)

  2. Whooo hooo Donna how exciting, I am so happy for you!!~

  3. CONGRATS!!!! That is so very exciting!!!

  4. CONGRATS!!! Hope it all goes well for you and maybe you'll get called again! It sounds like a wonderful HGTV opportunity! SHINE ON!

    :D Lynda

  5. Thank you so much ladies! Clearly, as one door closes, another one opens. Thank you for your support. (((((( HUGS )))))))))

  6. That is so exciting!! It's amazing enough to be given the opportunity... it'll easily open to door to many more! ♥

  7. Wow, this is really something! Congrats!....and I love your pics on this post, lol!

  8. Congratulations! What an exciting opportunity.

  9. Hi Donna,
    Thanks for blog surfing over to Gg - Notes on the Journey and leaving your comment.

    Your blog looks great. I really love your posts titles. They drew me in. I chose this one to read first and will do a little more browsing.

    Congrats on the HGTV call.

    Your welcome back to Gg anytime.



Let me know what you think!