December 28, 2014

Out With The Old

With the new year due to arrive in just a few days, it's the perfect time to give your business (or yourself) a little facelift. Nothing says “dated” more than doing the same thing over and over and over again.

Now you don't have to do a major change although that would be nice, just change it up a bit. What do I mean? Well on the personal side you can:

  • get a new haircut
  • say good bye to those Mom jeans
  • retire the shoes that you've have just a little too long
  • try a new shade of lipstick
  • try bigger jewelry
  • a smaller purse

It doesn't have to be anything life altering just make yourself just a little better than you were the year before. It'll make you feel good and look good too!

I'm doing the same for my business. Will I still be talking about color? Yes, 100%. So what changes will I be making for my business in 2015? Here is what I'm working on:

NEW GRAPHICS. Oh I'm so tired of seeing the ones with the beautiful picture and the little rectangles or squares around it. You know the ones I'm taking about, just look on Pinterest. Have I designed them too? Yes. Are these graphics pretty and effective? Yes! But I am the last one to drink the cool-aid so I redesigned my graphics and personally, I think they are outstanding! I love the way they look and better yet, the way that they feel.

CONTENT. Like I said, my content is and always will be just about color. I don't really write or talk about anything else. Not really interested in the latest or greatest fabric, furniture or area rug de jour unless I'm tying it in with color. Color is the core of my business. It's a nice niche to have.

Although I will still be talking about color, I'm changing that up a bit as well. Since I've received my 2nd Tenshintai Reiki Usui Ryoho Attunement (I know that was a lot) my life and views have been forever changed - for the better of course! 

It's really hard to explain here but I've tapped into an incredible energy field and it has enhanced just about every aspect of my life. My world of color has gotten more colorful if you can believe that. 

So keep an eye out on new graphics here and on my other website, Decorating by Donna, and content that has to do with feelings, healing colors and the core of the home and family which is love. This my friends is going to be my challenge for the year and the rest of my career. Capturing the best color schemes for you based on feelings. It's a large order to fill and I'm just hired myself for the job!

Happy new year, I can't wait!!!

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