April 9, 2013

What Happens If You Fall in Love With Aqua?

There are so many decisions to make when you're in the market to purchase a new sofa. Style, manufacturer, quality, size and color.

After spending countless hours driving from store to store you've finally made your decision. You just bought a beautiful sofa and it's in a gorgeous color but you get it home and realize it doesn't match your wall color. So much for thinking about color in the showroom. But it's so pretty!!!!! Ok, onward and upward now try to figure out what you're going to do to make it work in your home.

What happened? The aqua sofa looked so perfect in the showroom. That's because the showroom didn't have any walls. More than likely it was floating in the middle of the showroom with dozens of other amazing sofas around it with just an end table beside it. If anything, it may have been showcased in a staged room and I'm pretty sure the walls were either white or cream.

Should we be super safe and just buy gray furniture? We know that gray will go with just about any color and any decor. Is that being too safe?

Of course you can! Gray furniture is a great investment and a timeless one at that. But, what happens if you fall in love with aqua? You buy it!

This super cute aqua sofa is by CR Laine and will really bring life into a room that's a given but how will it fit in with the rest of the home? What color will you paint the walls? Here are some suggestions. Which one will you choose?

Choosing Wall Color With Aqua Furniture

Did you decide? There are several very good choices that will go with an aqua sofa but like I said it depends on the rest of your home. 

It so happens that many years ago I purchased an aqua sofa, hand picked the fabric myself! Now if anyone should have been ready for this it should have been me, the Color Expert. Well, we don't always make the right choices when we choose for ourselves but a good Designer will always have plan B and onto plan B it was.

Living Room designed by Donna Frasca

Here is my living room when I used to live in Pittsburgh. Even though you see ample windows, this room was really very poorly light. Pittsburgh is known for it's gray days so you can have all the best lighting in the world and it just doesn't compensate for good natural light.

What did I do? Well as you can see I painted the room gold and it was perfect! Not only did it instantly warm up the room and match the aqua sofa, it many be feel good whenever I walked into the room. Good color will do that!

Another reason I chose gold was because it went so well with the dark cherry woodwork throughout the house. Keep in mind this home was built in 1926 and had amazing character.

So, think about this when you are in the market of purchasing a sofa, in any color. Think about the rest of the home and how it's going to fit in. If you need help with your color choices, just send a picture of your room and I'd be glad to help you via my virtual color consultations.

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