August 9, 2015

The Ultimate Truth About Blue

Oh the blue hue! It's EVERYWHERE! But the truth about blue is well … not so cool.

Yes that was a play on words. As we know for the most part blue is a cool hue. Knowing that, do we want to bring coolness into a home that should be warm and cozy?

There reason I mention this is because my client had said a statement about blue the other day that stopped my in my tracks. She said:

“I had blue in my bedroom and it made me feel so very cold! I don't want to be cold in my house I want to feel warm, like the colors of the sunset.”

I don't know about you but those words were fantastic! Why do we want blue in our homes? Because everyone else does? Because it's a popular color? Because the retail market is flooded with it? Because it's pretty?

Yes - some blues are just gorgeous but the blues I like teeter between being blue and looking a bit like green. In other words, a warm blue.

This is another reason I love green but that will be another post. Now back to blue.

So what advice do I have about blue? Well how about this.

  1. Use blue in the bathroom. The bathroom is the best place for blue because you get that spa feeling. Again, keep away from those cool blues or blues that have look a little on the purple side.
  2. Blue is for boys. Sure. Put a nice primary blue in your son's room. 
  3. Blue is good for your kitchen or living ONLY if you have the dreaded orange kitchen cabinets and flooring. Otherwise, pick a warmer color like green.
  4. Insist on blue in your home? Use it in a strip or accent color somewhere. 
  5. Keep your blue light, not over powering.
  6. Put a light, muted blue on your ceiling.
  7. Start looking into greens.
I know blue is going to leave the home anytime soon but I do see it starting to cool down  - finally. Now lets start talking about green :-)

Don't feel blue! Be happy

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