August 6, 2011

The Meaning Behind My Logo

Logos define what we do. Realtors will have a house on their logo, a Hair Stylist may have a scissor and Banker perhaps a dollar bill and so forth.  As a Color Specialist in Charlotte, I had to think very carefully of a logo that would best represent what I do.

It had to have color in it of course - but which colors? How do I choose a few colors out of a millions that will present me? Well here's what I came up with.

I chose four splats of color and here's the meaning behind them. I chose the yellow, blue (although not a true primary) and red because they were primary colors. With these three colors, you can make up just about any color you can think of. Even when I paint, I only use yellow, blue and red. I also have a black and white for convenience but that's about it.

I have the purple in there to represent a trendy color. If you look at where the arrows are pointed, you'll see that some part of the splat is touching the color next to it. This symbolizes that you find that all colors “need” or “touch” others in some way to create new colors.

Now look close to the center part of the splats and you'll see a little dot of one of the colors that it's next to. This means that you can mix, or add all other colors to it to create a new color.

And finally the splats vary in height. This symbolizes that colors will come in different heights or weights in tones and tints.

Well there you have it. Do I want to change these colors over and over again? Sure, I'd love to! Perhaps some coastal colors that I love or neon's to really catch your eye or even to just the trendy colors that will be here before we know it but if I do that, I'll just drive myself crazy!

I love my splats and now when my social media friends see them in cyber space, they can see me coming a mile away and they know it's me.

Here's what my other plats look like if you want to see me on Twitter (Color4Charlotte) or Facebook.

These splats I'll change according to what's happening in current events or holidays. So if you see my these spats, come on and be social with me :-)

1 comment:

  1. I love your color splats too, Donna. I immediately identify you in cyberspace! I just wrote a blog post last week about branding so it's really been on my mind. Mine is not so clear cut as yours. Your logo is perfect for you!


Let me know what you think!