April 30, 2011

Color for Africa

How flat is the world when you get a request for a color consultation from Namibia, South Africa? If you didn't know from the title of my blog I'm located in Charlotte, North Carolina. I love that the world is flat and that Africa needs color!

Namibi Desert

With few details and some low resolution photos delivered via email, I had little to work with. I've never had the pleasure to visit Africa so I wasn't sure what colors I was dealing with. 

Sure I could Google and pull up beautiful images like I did here but where exactly is Namibia and what does it look like? I don't know. But I do know that my client was asking for a specific color scheme and that's what I had to go by.

As my imagination went wild, I had to keep in mind what Doret wanted. Here's her email. 

“Dear Donna, 
I googled for some advice on painting and I came across your site.  I was wondering if you might give me some advice please.
I am just frustrated with this project as I can’t seem to find an answer or a color to use.  Wish someone can just tell me use the green or purple or mustard color in the fabric.  I don’t want to go just for a beige or linen color.  That’s just too plain and boring.  We live in a town that gets extremely hot in summer and I want to create a cool tranquil atmosphere with a bit of drama to make it extraordinary as I am not afraid to use color.
Thanks for being willing to help me.”

When I read that she doesn't want beige, she wants a bit of drama AND is not afraid to use color I was ecstatic! Well my dear Doret, color you'll get! This is what I chose for her bedroom. 

I haven't heard back from Doret yet since I just sent her the colors today. I would love for her to send me some “after” pictures and some of her photographs of her surrounding town. 

I'll update this post when I hear from Doret!


  1. Donna, thank you for sharing this great experience you had with someone all the way from Africa. She can tell you have a great colour sense through her internet connection with you. It's exactly the same way I have come to appreciate your talent.
    Kind regards,

  2. Donna, Thank you for sharing this experience of how someone all the way from Namibia recognized your great colour sense and succeeded in connecting with you. I enjoyed this post with the map and the photos. The Namibi Desert is beautiful.
    Kind regards,

  3. Thanks for both comments Juliane!

  4. I love the rich purple mixed in with the more neutral colors! Gorgeous combination! ♥

  5. Well isn't that fun. What fan deck did you use? My biggest issue with out of country consults is that I don't have the same fan deck and dulux won't send me one they say that it is against their policy to 'market' outside of the country. Beats me - anyway love your colour choice here Donna!


Let me know what you think!