March 22, 2011

When Black and White is Funny

Funny is to cause laughter or amusement; to be humorous. 

For the most part, my blog posts are about color. I enjoy writing in a conversational style but once in a while I like to have some fun. Today, I'm making fun of black and white.

If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you'll notice there are two colors I rarely talk about; black and white. Why? Because black to me is lifeless and white I find very boring - HOWEVER - together they are beautiful when utilized correctly. But today, I'm making fun of black and white.

These shoes aren't good in any application.

Very funny!

Some people would think this room is interesting but it would be a little unsettling to me - funny.

This room is definitely where nightmares happen - not funny.

Sure, this purse is cute and I can see a little girl wearing it but today, it's funny!
The pattern is neat but not as a hat .

This would be rough waking up to the first thing in the morning. Can you imagine if you had vertigo?

Just no.

Flashbacks of Rocky Horror.
This is actually very cool. Gloss and matte black nails. I could never pull this look off but I like it.


Purple saved the day! Love this.


Zzzzzzz. Can you say  hospital? Zzzzzzzz

So what are your thoughts about black and white?

 Love black?
Love white?
Love them together?

Tell me.


  1. I love black and white, but not when the colors create a harsh environment. The two white and black rooms are crazy!!

  2. haha, this reminds me of the powder room in my very first house. It had black and white zebra wallpaper and black and white checkerboard tile. It was wild !

  3. I'm with you on that last image, for sure! All white kitchens, as popular as they are, bore me to tears. And that one, in particular, looks like a science lab. (Wrote a post on this a long time ago on the old blog. Maybe I'll resurrect it...)

  4. I have a black and white kitchen and I love it! Black counters are wonderful and there is so much you can do to bring a pop of color in! ♥

  5. I could see that black bathroom working with less of the stripes, but yeah, a lot to handle in the morning, lol!

  6. I am a sucker for black and white polka dots and houndstooth.

    I do like white, but not a stark white. I have been having an interior battle on painting my walls white- I usually like to do a color. I finally realized that it is OK to do this since I have color on the floor.


Let me know what you think!