March 20, 2011

Colors For Your Senses

It's seems when time's get a bit upsetting and most definitely challenging in the world, the brighter I need to be. I wear brighter colors, I tend to use brighter colors and I'm just more attracted to them. 

At a recent Pantone webinar, they said that is one of the reasons they choose Honeysuckle. Not because it was such a great color but for what it represents and I agree with that. It's an optimistic, feel good color.

So for now, I'm loving these bright, fresh, clean, classy and any other beautiful adjective I can think of to describe these delicious hues.

They are great for both fashion and color possibilities in the home. Of course the brighter colors will be accents but definitely try these spirt lifting hues somewhere in your home.

And use some soft blues, grays and lavenders to sooth your spirits too. Think of lavender. It's the sought after plant for your senses, both for aromatherapy and vision. It's pretty!

Lavender is actually in the mint family. Two great smelling  plants.

Thanks to Osbone and Little for these very colorful photographs. I wish our computer would have scratch and sniff some day. I can almost smell that mint just looking at it.

Enjoy these beauties in your home or in your wardrobe. 
It's so much more than just great color.


  1. That's interesting. I bet there's a personality profiling that could explain that. I'm exactly the reverse. More serious times call for quieter environments - although all my spaces could probably be classified as *serious*. It's interesting to see what colours other colour consultants wear... It doesn't surprise me that you wear lots of colour - Maria Killam does too. I am almost always in either black, white, charcoal or navy. Wearing colour attracts too attention! (I'm shy, really.)

    With regards to Honeysuckle - and I have to bring it up. I have been the length and breadth of London Design Week and I BARELY SAW IT. In fact, Lelievre were championing vermilion, whcihc I thought was pretty interesting. Quiet pinks and lavenders (and of course, green) were everywhere!

  2. Shy? Really? LoL

    It's interesting when I posted some swatches of the colors in my closet, most other Designers I found out, wore black or some type of neutral. The only time you'll find me in black is once in a while I'll wear a black pant in the winter when I consult otherwise it's every color under the sun. I do try to keep the bottom half of me on the darker side and because I like to wear bright colors by my face.

    Honeysuckle: I didn't expect to see that Barbie color rearing it's head in fashion so much but again, it was chosen for what it represents, not because it's a user friendly color for our homes.

    Thanks for the great comment Heather!

  3. I must admit I really do love the Honeysuckle colour trend. I can't see using it in large doses, but maybe in a painting or a throw pillow. I really do love it. In fact I have fallen completely back in love with all pinks these days. Great post! I look forward to following you!


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