March 4, 2011

Models Homes but Not Model Colors

Not very innovative color choices

I was in a few model homes this week and noticed one common factor - GOLD - and a lot of it. Gold walls, gold foyer, gold in the granite and in the fabrics. Plus, with the lighting in some of these model homes, it made the gold even more gold! My eyes hurt.

Why do some model homes still have that “model home look?” I know that sounds ridiculous but why do so many “Designers” still play it safe and go with the gold, green and burgundy? 

This is what I would do - and actually did. This weeks color consultation looks like this:

Now THAT's color I can live with.


  1. I'm also tired of gold and everyone seems to want it. I think putting a little citrine and navy with it would bring it up to date.

  2. I love you color recommendations for each room.
    Gold is somehow overused to make a room look elegant, but there are many new colors around to chose from.

    Happy Weekend ♥

  3. Love, love, love your color choices!! I agree with you on the gold, green, and burgundy....not very innovative.

  4. @Carla - love that color suggestion!

    Thanks ladies!


Let me know what you think!