September 30, 2010

How To Choose Color for a Bedroom

my client's bedroom

When I'm choosing color for a master bedroom, I like to make it as impressive as possible. After all, it's the Master.

Like all my color consultations, I first talk with the clients to discuss what type of feel they would like for their bedroom. This is a vital step because I'm also familiarizing myself with their personality so I can capture that feeling in the colors that I'll be designing for them.

One of the first things I find out is about the bedding (comforters, spreads, duvets etc.) Questions like:

  • Are you keeping this bedding?
  • Do you BOTH like this bedding?
  • Do you like the colors that are in it?
  • Do you change your bedding according to season?

Once I find out they both absolutely love the colors they've chosen for their bedding, I use that for my color inspiration for the room. 

Shown in the photo you'll see three colors. Color A, B and C. Color A, which of course will be found in the bed set will be the main color for the room. Color B will be a dark color that I usually use as an accent color either in the ceiling or featured on an architectural  structure in the room. Color C I will use to divide the room (if the room is very large) for a separate seating area and perhaps incorporate it into the master bathroom.

When choosing colors this way, the finished product feels complete. Why? It's like the chicken and egg. Which came first? In this case, which was in the room first? The paint scheme or the accessories? You'll never know  - unless you're the homeowner or me. 

A good design for a color palette should incorporate the following:

  • It should reflect the personality of the homeowners
  • The home accents should co-ordinate with the color sheme
  • The bedding should match the color scheme so the two look like that were purchased at the same time.
  • There should be a variety in hue, shade and tints for visual interest
Every client, room and color consultation is highly customized. There are other ways to develop a beautiful, designer color scheme but this is a good way to start.

If you live in the Charlotte area and would like a color consultation, please contact me to schedule an appointment.


  1. GReat thoughts, Donna. I've always wanted to use three colors in a room, but have never been brave enough. I think I could give it a try now, thanks to you!

  2. Very similar to my technique and you bring up a great point. It's funny how many designers don't work with clients on their preference but rather dictate what the client should have. I've been hired by homeowners after designers have handed over paint colors and the clients ended up not liking them.

  3. I love this post! I'm going to need to study this info to decide on a color for my master bathroom. It's been a dilemma but I'm finally starting to think I can get it to work with my bedroom colors! Thanks! ♥

  4. Great tips on selecting paint colours for a room. I did things backwards and painted our master bedroom before I selected the drapery and the bedding. Luckily, I was able to find both, but it took some searching!!


  5. I think this post is just great! How helpful to those that wish to change things in a master room...paint is a perfect way to shake things up!

  6. Hi Donna, great post. I always stick to the three color rule too....Brings interest without looking monotone. I like your advice for a good design color palette. Never really thought to mix shades and tints. Interesting. I like :)

  7. This has always been my rule of thumb....sometimes I get carried away. I see my blog is not listed on your blog roll anymore...I wonder why it does not come did before, blogger is always giving me troubles, I will have to check on some other "friends" blogs if it comes up. Hope all is well:)

  8. I have you on Debbie … blogger has mind of it's own. I wouldn't miss your blog for the world!


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