September 13, 2010

Colors Trends to Consider for 2011

Designed by Donna Frasca

Will we see these colors in clothing or on our walls?

Fall is quickly approaching and you may be thinking about the next color trends. I'm not a big fan of using the word “trend”, to me it's just another name for “lucky guess” or “just because everyone is talking about it” color. Having said that, there are a few leads you can follow that will be a sure hit as far as upcoming colors. One very reputable lead is the New York Times.

I've referred to it before and for me, it's provided a strong direction when searching for color palettes. The New York Times Fashion & Style section has an array of beautiful runways schemes you may want to consider for your home. Use the runways as a guide to what colors may be up and coming. Here's what I've found:

Designed by Donna Frasca

Trendy colors for 2011. They are classy and infinite.

Some of the more vibrant colors would be a good choice for clothing picks but when we think about color for our home, we gravitate towards the more classic, muted colors such as the ones I have displayed above. These colors are timeless, classic and have an enlivening approach to how we think about color.

If you look at the pallet I've pulled from the runway hues, you can see the all the colors co-ordinate with each other. You can mix and match these color for your entire house! 

Although I absolutely loved the run of coastal, spa-like blues this year, I felt the turquoise was way too trendy to put on a wall. Although pretty in it's application, I just felt it would be a short timer. Don't get me wrong, I really do love this color but I can't love it for a long time. To me, it's such an energetic color it seems to bounce up a room too much to be a long lasting color for my home. Also, when you have a large home and high ceilings like the majority of the homes in south Charlotte, you better make sure you absolutely are crazy about the color since it may be a while before you paint again.

Turquoise. Will it have a long shelf life?
Are you thinking about a new color scheme for you home this fall? Be on the cutting edge of color and have one of these fantastic colorways to call your own.

Color Specialist
Providing beautiful colorways for the south Charlotte area

Email me to schedule your colors today!


  1. Great advice, Donna! I agree about the turquoise... I think it's so much better in decorative accents here and there rather than on the wall.
    Love the NYT Style sections, too.
    Enjoy your day!

  2. Very well put. Turquoise is awesome as an accent color but, I feel, way too much on 4 walls. Although, I recently chose it for a kids room and it looked amazing. Those kids, always loving the bright colors! : )

    Thanks for all your comments on my posts Heidi :-)

  3. I love turquoise, too, but agree with you that is is a great accent color. I can't imagine it on 4 walls in a room!
    I hope you are wrong about this coming winter being colder than the last. If that's true, I am hoping we DEFINITELY sell our house & get a smaller one soon - our heating bills were outrageous last year!

  4. Tell me about it. I have a 3500 sq. It was way too cold for me last fall!

  5. I love turquoise. Always have (in small quantities). I posted on my blog today about one store that chose wonderful colors for the fall. Looking at the palette for 2011 above now I realize why they chose those colors. You are a great writer. I am following your blog and will be back often. take care. Nice to meet you.

  6. Sylvia - Welcome to my blog. I'm so glad you like it. I'm flattered that you like my conversational style of writing. I just like to keep it simple and fun so my readers stay engaged instead of getting lost in design mumbo jumbo.

    I just saw your blog. The photos you posted really captured the colors of the catwalks. Color palettes are really quite easy to predict. You just have to look around. If it's a color that you'd put in your home, then it's one that will be a classic. If it's a color that you'd use just for an accent, it's a trend!

    Come back again Sylvia and I'll keep an eye out for your posts too!

  7. Me too, I use stronger brighter colors only as accents..., well except for that crazy orange room..., it's a low use space, and I only go there if I feel "orange".

  8. Stopping by Southern Comfort in a Northern Life and I was going to tell you that I am going to go with black. I am thinking something along the lines of a black/gray. I don't want jet black but something a tad softer. Thoughts?

  9. I did that turquoise-y color in my first apartment. It ended up being very cool and green. (Cool as in "not warm" not as in "desirable.")I never did it again.


Let me know what you think!