September 19, 2010

Color and Memories

A client of mine brought up a good point that I'd like to talk about. It's about how color can be associated with a memory.

We all know how smells and even sights remind us of past memories. For example. Whenever I see sheers, it brings a smile to my face. I remember when my mom used to iron her curtains in the living room. She was listening to Andy Williams on her small radio as she ironed away. I remember how the sheers smelled as they were pressed by the iron. This is how we associate objects and memories. So from seeing my mom ironing, smelling the freshly pressed sheers and seeing a smile on her face as she ironed, this implanted a fond sight/association memory for me. By the way, I have sheers in my home and they were bought based on this good memory. Of course the styles and colors are different but every time I see my sheers, I associate this memory with them.

Back to what my client said. She said “I love the blue that you chose for us but it reminds me of my Grandmother's house. She used to have those religious statues all over the place and they had blue in them”. (the color I chose was Benjamin Moore's Gray Wisp)

Monitor representation of Gray Wisp not accurate but you get the idea

Was the blue I suggested for her close to the blue that is typical in religious statures?  It doesn't matter because (see above) in her mind, she associates lighter blues with that memory. I thought this was an awesome discovery! Nevertheless - the color was changed!

So whatever my client decides on, and I gave her a few choices that would work, in the long run she will be happy because she won't see “Grandma colors” in her home and I'll be happy because she is happy. 

Thanks L.P of Weddington!


  1. That is so true, I never did think about that. Really back when I was growing up, walls where white, however my Mom always accessorized with color, and certain things I have remind me of that. Good post Donna, hope all is well. Debbie

  2. Interesting! It's usually smells or songs that take me back, but now that you've mentioned it, there ARE some colors that I associate with memories. Who'd have thought?

  3. I had a similar experience with a client recently who chose a nice blue for his office. When I returned to check on progress a week later, he was off the blue as he said it reminded him of his childhood room (from an unhappy childhood in Europe).

  4. Looks like she's wearing Tiffany blue!

  5. That's because she's a Classy Lady!

  6. I'm so fond of color memories. Each person and I mean, 'each' connects and associates color very differently. Just personally I seem to relate to color in memory-way.

    Great post. So real. So personal. So revealing about HUE you are Donna -- a professional who 'specializes JUST in color' - I admire that you are a trade master and not a jack of many. Bravo for you, color girl.

    You truly care about your customers and dig deep into how they feel about their color project. It's very apparent that their colors really reflect who they are!!

  7. As usual Paula you always give beautiful compliments.

    I love that you say 'Jack of many'. It always befuddles me when a designer 'knows it all' - from soup to nuts. I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't but in my opinion, I like the idea of Specialists. This way I know that when I work with one, like myself, I getting an expert in the field.

    Besides, I just listen to what my clients want and just reflect that in my work. They are my guide and my inspiration.


Let me know what you think!