July 28, 2010

Michelle Obama's Office - it's Salmon!

Photo by: Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton

Salmon walls? I love it! This is the color that I see coming in hot and heavy. Now that Michelle Obama has this on her office walls, this rarely photographed room will be making a splash in the color world.

When I saw the wall color I thought of my blog post about the next color trend. Although blue has been a hit this year, I see it's complimentary side kick orange coming in hot and heavy. I don't see orange as the next trend in color but tweak it to a softer, lighter side and call it Salmon (peach is too 80's and associated with Sea Foam - uugg, a 80's flashback)

Green Tea
Omega 3

These are the colors that I see becoming “the combo”. 
Don't those names sound heathy and delicious?

These are the colors in Michelle's office

The first lady's office has gone casual. Shutters instead of drapery. Overstuffed floral pillows. An overstuffed sofa. Wow, maybe I do see an 80's comeback! Well don't grab the shoulder pads just yet. I still say that these colors will be brightened up a bit so they don't go as far back as the 80's. It gets it's update this way.

Peach: Peach will be tweaked towards Salmon. With everyone becoming health and weight conscience (does Michelle's campaign against childhood obesity play a role in this color choice?) healthy food choices are front and center. Healthy choices such as salmon for the omega 3 properties and salads are not only good food choices but they are great color schemes as well. You can see more of these comparisons with food and color schemes on my main website as Color Recipes.

Green: Green is my favorite hue. In my opinion, it will always be in. Dark, light, muted, soft, dreamy, bright - whatever adjective you use, it will be in our homes for a very long time. It's will be modified to the bluer side and then “blue” will the now color but green will be the core. Similar to salad, green comes in again because of health trends. From salads, green teas to seaweed - all this health awareness is forming our color palettes as we speak. And it's a good thing! These are great color combos and they are not just pulled out of a hat, there're here for a reason.

Photo by: Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy

Michelle Obama looking beautiful in a salmon dress

Color trend - Salmon and Green Tea. From the comfy, casualness of the first lady's office to going back to basics with health and food choices. Look for these colors. They're a healthy choice!

If you love the look 
Michelle Obama has in her office 
and her gorgeous dress, try on these colors for size:

~ Sherwin Williams ~
Sociable 6359
Sumptuous Peach 6345
Soft Apricot 6352

~ Benjamin Moore ~
Creamy Orange 2166-50

Dress Color
Copper Harbo 6634 Sherwin Williams


  1. Love the salmon! It's very fresh as long as it's not too orange. Blues make a great contrast as well, but I am digging the Green Tea :)

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Hi Donna,

    Gorgeous elegant salmon - I think it also goes well with a grayish blue - or bluish steely grey.
    Great combos for fall.
    Thank you for the kind comment on Sensational color - (Color buzz is finished - Valspar is discontinuing our little blog :(

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I just deleted my own comment - had to re-read what you wrote. Valspar is discontinuing your blog? I wonder why they are doing that? That blog was enjoyed by so many people and had great innovative ideas. Oh big mistake!

    Yes - the salmon sounds excellent with grayish blue or steely grey. Let's see . . . that would be Poached Salmon with Oysters. Now there's a delicious Color Recipe.

    Let me know where you'll be posting so I can keep up with you color insights. Thanks so much :-)

  5. I received an email from a lovely lady in Kentucky. Here's what she said:


    ❝ It was such a pleasure to talk to you today. I noticed on your blog that you have the picture of Michelle Obama's Executive Office.
    I love the color of her office walls. How can I best achieve that color for my bedroom? The color looks so soft, warm, and cozy? ❞

    Thank you,
    Kathy Thistleton

  6. Kathy - it was such a nice surprise talking to you about Michelle Obama's office color. Thank you for the compliment but no, I did not choose the color for her office. I'm just commenting on how beautiful it looks.

    I'll post my color suggestion that come close to her wall color here and I'll send you an email as well.

    Does anyone know the name of the color on Michelle Obama's office? If so, please let me know!

    Thank you!

  7. I am your newest follower and look forward to sharing color opinions and ideas with you! I love that you blogged about Michelle Obamas office! I bet we could guess what color her walls are!!

  8. I see your poll about paint..I used to be striclty Ben Moore..but now I have discovered Lowes Valspar Premium paint and it is excellent as is the price compared to BM.
    So while I answered BM on the poll that is just because I only started using Valspar last month!

  9. Thanks so much for the follow Amy. I like Valspar a bit better then Valspar's Signature collection. I also heard from my clients, and I've used a few times too, that it's a VERY thick paint. You wind up using a lot more but it does have great coverage. For the price though, I would stick with the ULtra Premium.


Let me know what you think!