June 27, 2010

Hue Blue it!

What to do in case you chose the wrong color

Blue is favored by both men and women but it seems men have a stronger preference towards it than women do. Having said that, it would be a natural assumption to choose blue for his bedroom. You've selected a blue that appeals to you and one you think he’d like as well. With paint can in hand you head home and start painting. As the day progresses you’ve moved the heavy bedroom set, took everything off the walls, repaired all holes in the wall, outlined the room in painters tape and painted away to your hearts content. You’re done! Now you step back and look at the room but something looks very wrong. You blew it or should I say “blue” it.

Like this color?  Try Caribbean Coast • Benjamin Moore

So what happened?  From the variance in lighting to the incorrect undertone and perhaps from just too many colors to choose from, the wrong hue was selected. Unfortunately, there are only two choices to rectify this painting fiasco. One is to hope he just loves the color and leave it alone and the second choice would be to select a different color. Here are some other hues that could be a consideration for him. See the difference?

Like these colors?
Try Respite • Stream • Oceanside • Sherwin Williams

Color Tip: Crisp, clean and vibrant hues such as Caribbean Coast generally make a great choice for a child’s room. They are more playful colors and are well suited for nurseries, playrooms and for the most part, ideal for a youthful look.

Muted or darker hues may be more palatable to an adult as their bedroom choice. These colors have a tendency to be a bit more soothing and refined and also compliment most decor choice’s.

Many of us reading this post already learned this lesson through our design careers whether it was during our schooling or throughout our field experience. Some others may have learned this the hard way, through trial and error. The point is to understand color and to learn about it. By reading posts such as the one, you can be an expert in no time! With different learning levels from advanced to accommodate our Interior Designers to our everyday readers who are the “DIYers” and want to learn as much as they can. It’s all here for you at your fingertips!

Here are another scenario you can learn from.

Too Much Hue?

Purple Surf

OK, so you really, really, really love purple. You bought the purple bedding, purple paint, pillows, throw blankets, window treatments and even have purple flowers to match. Suddenly purple doesn’t seem so appealing. Loving a color is great but like everything else in life, love it in moderation. If a monochromatic color scheme is what you were trying to achieve, than your fine. Choosing the same color for your room because you don’t know what else to choose, not a good thing. Now you have to choose another color to match this very purple room. What are your options? You have a few, here they are:

It’s Split Complimentary color - green
It’s Complimentary color - yellow
It’s Analogous color - red
It's Tetrad color - peach
They all look great with purple! So you see, there really is no such thing as a mistake in the design world. A good designer or DIYer always has plan B incase plan A doesn’t turn out the way you wanted it to. It’s not that plan A was wrong, it’s  just that plan B may be better. The main thing is to learn by your mistakes. The more "mistakes" you make, the more you've leaned.


  1. Great advice! Love Stream :)... I can just hear it gurgling in the background.

  2. I'm learning so much from your blog! I want to paint my bathroom a slate blue but I am afraid of getting the color too dark. I have waited to paint....because I haven't been sure! I love the colors you've shown at the beginning of the post! ♥

  3. Thank you so much!

    Lavender Dreams - here's some slate blues for you.

    Sherwin Williams

    I don't know if you want to go too much darker then these colors. I hope you like them. Please let me know!


Let me know what you think!