November 13, 2016

Can I Have An Accent Color In My Rental Home?

Today's Q&A has to do with Accent colors for the rental home. Can you? Yes!!!

Dear Donna, I love color and I would like to have an accent color somewhere in my home but not sure where to have it. The only problem is, I live in a rental property and I have to keep my home neutral. Any suggestions?

 Pam R*******

Pam, I can so understand your frustration! You want your home to be colorful but you are limited to beige, white and maybe gray walls if you live in a rental home. Don't fret - there is a solution. If you can paint your walls, choose a neutral such as Accessible Beige SW 7036. At this point we know that Accessible Beige is a really popular color by Sherwin Williams and it's for a reason.

best color for rental homes
Accessible Beige SW 7036

Why is it so popular? Well basically, this color teeters between a beige and a gray. It's really a super safe color to have in the home and will blend with most decors. Now to answer you question about an accent color. Now here is where you have limits.

First of all, can your home even hold an accent color on the wall? I'm not really seeing too many funky fun accent walls these days but that doesn't mean you can have one. Some homes - such as mine - have pillars and that a great place to add a different color to your palette.

 Don't haven any fun architectural features in your home and still want a pop of color? I know you have a rental but what if I told you there's a really easy way to add a pop of color to your home for under $20 and is also renter safe?

Try this. Add some color to one of your INTERIOR doors. This door can be your front door, bathroom door, kitchen pantry door or any bedroom door. Why is this such a great idea? Because it will only take a quart of paint depending on how many doors you are painting. The best part about it is that when I comes time to move out, grab a quart of white and change it back to being renter safe in minutes flat.

 How fun is that? Happy painting and have fun with your colors.

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