January 4, 2015

Change the energy in your home with color

Continuing on with my Holistic approach to color, keep in mind that with just a few changes in the color palette of your home you can completely change the energy. 

Here's what I mean. This is very typical color palette that at this point, you can find in just about any home. Is it pretty? Yes. Are these colors wrong to have in the home? No. Do these colors do anything for you? Make you feel any certain way other than just saying that they're pretty? Probably not, well maybe you'd say that they make you feel relaxed because they are obviously coastal colors which are fine but a little on the "meh" side.

Oh but I know you're saying that you want colors that are classic and timeless right? Well sure but instead of your home being a museum piece of strikingly classic colors, don't you want your home to have colors that make you say “ahhh” when you come home at night? 

Don't you want more from your colors? Don't you want to feel the energy shift in your home just by looking at the colors on your walls? Of course you do!!!

Here's how to do it. Go from the hum-drum colors that everyone else has in their home and choose YOU colors. Choose colors that make your eyebrows lift instead of just being there. Push the energy in your home from “just being there” to getting it to move around from space to space - in a circle and back. That is called movement people and that is how color should work in your home.

Here's a color palette that has movement. It will keep the energy flowing from one room to the other instead of getting stuck in the crevasses of your home. Are you feeling a little unnoticed, bored, stagnant or lethargic? Bet it's your color!!!!

When you have color that “moves” in your home, you'll catch those vibes and that's a good thing my friends.

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