December 12, 2014

Confused about color trends?

I don't blame you! When you think about it, why should we follow color trends at all? Just because they're out there doesn't mean we have to have them in our home right? Right.

Well welcome to the way we should be choosing color for our home! In 2015 I'll be coming in hot and heavy about color - like I always do but the difference is I'll be talking about very specific color schemes.

I won't be talking about the latest and greatest blue and gray trend that you'll see in every home in your town I'll be talking about colors that YOU like and colors that resonate with the way YOU feel. Is this going to be tricky? Yes, a little but I'm up for the challenge.

For example, instead of running with the ever so popular coastal color scheme and saying “oh it's just so beautiful” how about we come up with a color scheme that actually MEANS something to you? We know the coastal color scheme is beautiful. I'm not saying it's not I'm just saying let's start some new color combos and call them beautiful.

Here is a picture of my baby girl, 18 years ago mind you, that I just love. I love her peachy face, her cute jumper and it forever held such a great memory for me because I just LOVE this picture! So let's think about something a little crazy here, if we love a picture or memory that much, why don't we get THESE colors in our home? Look how pretty this looks!

What I really love about this color scheme is that's it unique. Here you have a silvery pink and a silvery blue-gray. Fabulous wall color there my friends! 

What about the green? Great choice for the small bathroom, carpeting, painted bookcases, ceiling color, accent wall, or just perfect for a cozy bedroom. 

Combine all three and you'll have one unique color palette in your home. If these colors were in my home, I'd think of my baby girl every time and in my book, that's a darn good memory and a feeling I'd like to capture in my home.

See how this works?

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