May 21, 2013

Living Room Makeover Part I. Choosing a Color

It's been six years since I moved into my home and it's time for a major update. I recently repainted the kitchen (color not listed yet) and having done that, the rest of my home now doesn't match. One room at a time for this busy Color Specialist!

So, this week I will be painting my living room area which opens up to the kitchen. Open floor plans are really tricky so the colors have to be right on. 

Like I mentioned in the video, the eating area and living room (gold areas) don't relate to the kitchen color since I recently repainted it. I'm going to be painting this week to start my living room makeover so keep posted here or on YouTube for the changes.

PAINT COLOR: I'm starting with EPIC which is a fairly popular color by Valspar. Come take a look at the video and see why I chose that color.

Here is another video I recently made that talks about the lovely pinky beige in my dining room which is a very difficult hue to work with when the rest of your home has warm undertones.

Unbeknownst to me at the time of this video, I didn't have any plans to repaint my living room but the more I looked at the gold, the more it got on my nerves. Does it look pretty in my home? Yes but for me to keep any one color on my walls for 6 years is a HUGE feat! So new color it is!

So I hope you continue you join me on the revamping of my home because it's going to get fun! The videos are casual, informative and hopefully you'll pick up a thing or two about color and design.

Please let me know if you have any questions about color or anything that I'm talking about in the videos. Enjoy!

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