Live in South Charlotte? Need color for your home?
You're in luck! See this map? This is not only where I live and work but it's where 90% of my clients are as well and THIS is the area that I'll be targeting for 2013. The homes are some of the most beautiful I've seen in any one given area and it seems one subdivision is more beautiful than the other. So hang on to your hats for 2013 because I'm going to be digging deep into South Charlotte!
This is the area that I'll be concentrating on in 2013.
Wesley Chapel
Providence Plantation
Providence Downs
Weddington Chase
The Chimney's
So as 2012 comes to an end, look forward to a very colorful 2013!
What colors are out?
What colors are in?
Color FYI's and Tips
Check back or subscribe via email to
see what's in store for 2013. Also, please visit my main
website at
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