March 9, 2012

When Colorless is Best

As a Color Specialist in Charlotte, you'll find me writing about color schemes and how to incorporate the colors you want into your home. 

Today, I'll be talking briefly on one of the most important “colorless” purchases you'll make in your life - choosing the right wedding bands.

Am I an expert in diamonds? Certainly not, however, don't we all have an eye for what's beautiful? Donald Haack, Diamonds and fine Gems in Charlotte is having a wedding band event this weekend in Charlotte so it'll be a great time to take a peek to see what's trending in wedding bands.

Back in the day, I designed my own engagement ring in a small local NY shop that's probably not even there anymore. To this day, I like my jewelry large and gold. 

My boys!
Port Jefferson Harbor, Long Island, 1990

Love how styles have changed? From color trends, fashion and even jewelry, each year there's a new “must have” which is why these wedding band events are so important. Look at some of the rings that Donald Haack has. I wonder which one I'd choose if I had to do it all again?????

Or would I go for just a splash of color?

One will never know!

Need color for your home, you can contact me at

Need the perfect wedding band? Contact Donald Haack 704-365=4400


  1. What a fabulous post, Donna! Loved how you tied in your own images and story.

    I shared the link with the folks at DHD.


    Have a great weekend!

    1. All for you Liz! I always jump on the opportunity to talk about color and whether it's wall color, granite color, drapery or even diamonds. If it has color - or not - it's bloggable!

  2. All those rings are lovely. So many choices today!

  3. You're so prolific, Donna. You even find a way to discuss color when colorless is the shade of choice!

    1. It's the mind of an artist , plus it's just to much fun to talk about color. I guess this is why I'm starting blog #4 - too many topics to cover and just not enough room :-)

      Thanks Beryn!


Let me know what you think!