March 16, 2012

What is Contractor's Beige? Why is it bad?

What is Contractor's Beige?
Contractor's Beige is the color that the Builder uses as a generic wall color. Sometimes you see it beige like in this photo and sometimes it's white, Contractor's white.

Is Contractor's Beige a bad thing?
Yes and no. The builder has to put some type of “paint” on the wall but yes, there is sooooooo much that I don't like about this “paint” and I'll get to that in a minute.

The homes where I work (and live) in South Charlotte are very large. For the most part, the majority of the the homes have this beige color in them. Can you imagine walking into 4,000 square feet of white walls? Hello hospital! Anyway, it's at least nice to see that there is a neutral yellow beige on the wall. Once in a while, you see it a pinky beige which is a total nightmare and very difficult to tie in the rest of your color scheme with. You WILL have to paint your entire home.

Do I have to paint my home if it has Contractor's Beige on it?
I say YES of course you do but I've seen people who have been living in the home for YEARS and STILL have Contractor's Beige on the wall. That is frightening to me and gross.

Gross? Why is it bad to keep Contractor's Beige in your home?
Well, in defense of CB, it is a good basic beige to put in your home for the people who are pigmently challenged. But the thing that I really don't like about CB is the way it feels. Run your hand across a home that just has CB on it and tell me it doesn't feel like an emery board.

When I first moved into my home five years ago this week, it too had CB on the walls. Of course I had it painted within the first week of moving in but let me tell you what happen before I painted it. 

Since it was Spring time and the doors were open most of the day from the move, some undesirable flying insects had gotten in the house. I was able to smash a few flies that were slow enough for me to swat. Here's the problem. Like I just said a minute ago, CB feels like an emery board.  What makes it so rough? I guess because they spray it on and it's really just a contractors level of paint, doesn't have a sheen and contains a fair amount of primer in it. What does this all mean? It feels like sandpaper, looks like a sponge and it's a bear to clean! Needless to say, I was unable to get all the bug smash out of the nooks and crannies of the surface and wound up just painting right over it, sealing in it's fate forever.

Tell me again why I don't want Contractor's Beige on my walls?
1. It's not really a paint. It's a sprayed on primer based pigment just to cover the walls.
2. It's VERY porous making it impossible to keep clean.
3. It's VERY porous and feels really gross to the touch.
4. It's boring to keep your 4000 square foot home all the same color.
5. When you do decide to paint your home, CB will suck up the entire first coat of paint that you apply. It's imperative that you use a primer first to seal the wall before you apply your paint.

I don't want to paint my large home. Contractor's Beige looks fine.
Ok. So you want to live with a beige home - that's fine. I had clients that really like the neutral, monochromatic look of just beige. However - think about this. It may change your mind.

For your bathroom: Do you really want a porous, non cleanable surface by your toilet area? Think about that for a minute.

For your kitchen: Cook a lot? Not every home has a back splash. Try getting oil based sauces off your wall. Now if you try to paint over it, your latex paint may not stick to the oily sections of your wall.

For the kids rooms: I almost don't want to go here but I need to finish my point. We all know what kids put on their walls. From nose contents to other stinky stains that may be lurking behind that chair in the room.

Have pets?: Mud. Dirt. Fur. Slobber. These are all everyday assurances for those of us who have pets. It you have CB beige on your walls, these “grossities” will NOT come off your walls!

Isn't flat paint the same surface as Contractor's Beige?
Good point! It can be - somewhat. If you use a poor quality flat or matte paint, yes - it will be similar. However, there are washable flat/matte paints that will be sheen less but you will be able to wash or scrub the surface. Just about every paint company will have this type of paint.

I have Contractor's Beige on my walls. Can we set up an appointment to choose color for my home?
Yes!! My name is Donna Frasca and I'm a Color Specialist in Charlotte. I also know a TON about paint and paint products. If you'd like to set up a Color Consultation with me, you can email me at  - only if you live in South Charlotte otherwise we can talk about a virtual color consultation.


  1. Donna, I am tired of Beige too, around here Killam Beige by SW is the staple, but we use a good eggshell and primer to avoid the "emery board" effect. I love when builders want to try a new color!

    1. Chris - Contractor's Beige is what keeps me in business! It's really not a finished surface for a home yet sooooo many homeowners never paint over it.

  2. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I think beige is fantastic if you have the right color beige !! You can add colorful accents to any room to add that splash of vibrant colors by changing the rug, pictures, knick knacks ect . If you change your mind later and get tired of that color it is easier to change accents then to go through painting your whole home again !! Maybe the texture and feel of contractor's beige...or the cleaning of it . But the color I like .. and I think it makes everything bright, new and clean looking !!

  3. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Reading your article I can understand the problem with cleaning contractor's paint and the feel of it ect..But I think you go way over board when you say things like how it is frightening an gross when you see it on the walls !! There is absolutely nothing wrong with beige on walls either !! Beige goes with everything ! My walls are light beige and I can add any accent colors in my room I want and it look great !! I would rather have beige than some of the colors I see designers use sometimes !!I think keeping neutral on the larger things like walls and larger pieces of furniture is smart and practical !! You can add accent colors that are vibrant after to give a room the "wow" factor ! Better than having to re paint the walls in your home later when you get tired of the color ! Cheaper and easier to change accents !!

    1. Using the term gross was in reference to having CB, which is very porous, in the bathroom where it's difficult to clean. I'm sure I don't have to describe the details.

      Please keep in mind that there is a difference to using Beige, such as “Plaster of Paris” from Color Stories to just leaving CB on your walls. One is a color and the other - just a surface. In my entire career, I've never heard any one say “ I'd like CB on my walls”.

      You're right about some of the colors Designers use - big fail and sometimes the one I choose as well can be a bit out there. But it's all good! Thanks so much for the comment :-)


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