May 12, 2015

Get A Snappy Guest Room Just By Shopping At Lowe's

I'm currently updating my guest room and don't want to spend a ton of money doing it. I have two kids in college and honestly, the guest room is not that important but I do want it to look nice for when I have over night guests.
I know how expensive decorating a room can be, I've was an Interior Designer for a really long time and with drapes alone, that can set you back at least $5,000 for a room this size. Although custom drapery is amazing, it's not always necessary or feasible. I'll show you how you can get a really snappy guest room just by shopping at Lowe's.

Let's first start with color. We all know that just painting your room it will dramatically change the look but we need more than that. Color is awesome but you need just a few other elements in the room to make it just right.
I used Sparkling Sage from Lowe's for the overall wall color. It's a light minty green and really lightens and brightens the room. Just be careful with this color because not every home can pull of a light minty color. This of course happens to fit perfectly with the rest of my home colors which happen to be found in those curtains.

Since I mentioned curtains, let's move onto that next. The biggest mistake you can make when buying curtains already made is not buying enough. Skinny curtains are horrible!! Make sure you buy enough panels so your window looks full.
These floral panels are just perfect! Look how pretty they match the wall color. This is also a perfect example of how you can buy your paint color first THEN buy your decor. Many Designers will tell you not to do that and I beg to differ. If you have a good eye you can do it either way color first or decor first, it doesn't really matter. There is not right or wrong way but just know that it's doable either way.
The lamp is also purchased from Lowe's and I see that I should have turned the shade around so the seam isn't showing - ooops - no biggie.
Fresh flowers and floral prints to match and you have completed the look. I now have to get bedding to bring in color and texture - I'm thinking spicy orange or navy. 
I'll link up to this post as the room progress. 

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