February 25, 2012

Is there a Color Expert for luxury homes in Charlotte?

I did a search for a Color Expert for Luxury Homes in Charlotte and I found your blog. Can you help me?  
I'm in the process of buying a large home in Waxhaw, in the Providence Downs area in Marvin. I was wondering if we can set up an appointment right after I close and help me choose color, you know, before I move in all my furniture. 
Is this something you can do? Please let me know, I should be closing around April. 
I look forward to hearing from you. 
Mint Hill


With Spring Home Improvement right around the corner, you couldn't be moving in at a better time. It's the perfect time of year to paint and yes, I can help you with your color choices.

You're lucky to be painting your home before you move the furniture in. It'll certainly make things easy for you!

I do have a few bookings already in April so let me know what would work best for you - a weekend or weekday. I do have several clients in the Marvin area so I'm very familiar with the style home you have and how the lighting conditions will effect your color choices. For instance:

Here is a typical open living room with ample natural light. Let's say this light, smokey lavender is chosen for this room. See how beautifully it plays off the white trim and fireplace mantel?

But, keep in mind as the lighting conditions change outside, they will also change inside. So the light, smokey lavender that you chose in the daytime now looks like this in the evening.

It's knowledge like this that a true Color Specialist will know. With a home that is over 8,000 sq. ft. you certainly want to choose color RIGHT the first time. Contact me, Donna Frasca, a Color Specialist for South Charlotte when you have your closing date.

I look forward to seeing you and choosing color for your Marvin home!
Donna Frasca

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