February 16, 2012

Hire The Best Painter You Can Afford

Color consultations don't end when I leave my clients home, well, officially they do but the next step is to get the new color palette on your walls. Who will do that for you? This is where I get very nervous because hiring an inexperienced painter can and will make or break your color.

Here's what happens. A client hires me to come to their home to choose a brand new color palette - from basement to attic so to speak. We chat about the look you want, see what kind of lighting you have in your home, consider decor, home style, decide on a paint company then we begin choosing colors - together, in your home. I don't leave then go to my office and choose color, I work with you to make sure that every single color I suggest is to your liking. I also take it one step further and tell you why the color I just chose for your room is the right choice. There's really a lot of considerations other than just saying “oh that's a fun color, let's use it.

Anyway, my point is that there is a tremendous amount of thought, consideration and time that goes into a color consultation. I also take photographs of each room so the painter will have a reference to where the colors are going. Layout can get a bit tricky if you have a home with an open floor plan. So in about a week after the consultation, you'll receive a color portfolio with your new color palette, paint brand we decided on, any additional notes like paint sheen, ceiling color, repairs or any additional interior design services that you may need.

Now it's time to hire a painter. You've just hired a Color Expert and you have your color palette.  You know you'll be spending a few thousand dollars on painting. I'm sure you've heard the saying “you get what you pay for” well this is where it really applies.

Painting quotes can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. I know everyone has a budget but make sure the painter you're hiring will do the job right. Here's some of the concerns you should keep an eye out for.

Beautiful color is completed when you have experienced painters.

Are they linseed and insured?

What paint brand are they using? You THINK they are using Brand A but how can you be sure? That's what is says on the label but what's  really inside the can?

Is the paint watered down?

Are they using primer?

Are you paying for brand A but getting a cheaper paint brand?

Are they neat?

Will they clean up well when complete? 

Does your painter have references?

Are they part of the BBB?

Is you painter going to color match?

These are just a few questions and concerns to be aware of. There are really so many more. What does this all mean? Just use your best judgement. The main thing is, and this is my concern, is you can have the best color scheme in the world but if it's not painted well, your color will just not look right.

So if you live in Charlotte, NC and would like a color consultation I'd be more than happy to help you  BUT if you choose to use your own painter and they do a shabby job, it will change the entire look of your home - and it' won't be good. Invest in the best! From color to paint and to the best painter you can afford. Let me know if I can help!

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