November 17, 2011

I Don't Use White and That's No Lie

After reading a great post by KG Style, When White Walls Are Your Only Option, it inspired me to write about the color I really just don't use.

I kid you not when I say that if I used white in my color consultations MAYBE a handful of times, that would be an exaggeration - and that's a 20 year career! Of course I've used it on trim and ceilings but that's a given. 

I remember at one color consultation a few years ago I suggested white, and I can't even remember which room it was to be in, the client protested loudly! “I hired you to choose COLOR for me. White I can choose on my own.” “Wow, really?” I said but white would be perfect in this room.” I said  and then I got a stern look as if she said with her eyes, “choose white and you'll be walking.” She had a point and to an extent, I agree. Not only is the customer always right but when SEVERAL clients say the same thing - you better listen!

White has it's place of course and when I lived in New York and Pennsylvania where the homes were older and smaller, white would have been fitting. Ironically, I didn't hear my clients voice themselves about white until I moved to Charlotte. What's the difference? The size and style of the homes.

Typical home in South Charlotte, NC

So not only do you have to consider how white will fit into the scheme of things in your home but you also have to consider the SIZE and style of your home.

The McMansions that I colored here in Charlotte are anywhere from 3500 - 7,000 sq. feet. When you consider how much crown molding, trim, chair rails, ceiling and two story wall space that is, you are looking at a considerable amount of space. Do you really want to see THAT much white?

Another reason I don't use white is because of what it symbolizes. The first thing I think of when I see an all white room is either a hospital or some type of doctors office. Who would want that feeling in a kitchen? I know I'm not the only one who associates white with hospitals so why would you want it in your kitchen unless of course for some odd reason, hospitals are exciting to you.

White isn't a cozy color, it's not fun, not exciting unless paired with a color, has no imagination and quite frankly, I question designers who have it for their signature look. I know that's not really fair to say because I know for a fact, choosing an all white or off white color scheme is not easy. One of my more difficult consults were when a client wanted her ENTIRE home to be various tints of white. That my friends, was a thee roughest color consult on my books to date.

Now on the side of white, of course when done properly and with enough color in the room to un-sterilize it - it can look pretty darn good.


But - when there's too much white - why have this …

When you can have this …

You can still have a “light” kitchen by using white sparingly - just a splash here and there. Now I'm all for off or soft white such as Benjamin Moore 's classic white collection like Cloud White, White Down, Soft Chamois, Monterey White - the list goes on and on but it's up to my clients if they are open to this “color” that lacks hue and grayness.

Not a fan of white either? Contact me and we can get some color cooked up in your kitchen - and we can take a peek at some of these whites to see how YOU like them.


  1. I'm with you on no whites on walls, but I do love a beautiful white kitchen (cabinets and backsplash, not walls!).

  2. I love this! It's great to inspire each other. White is such a no-no in the interior design but sometimes it calls for it! Thanks!

  3. Thank you for taking a stand on white! I completely agree. I love to use white as an accent, not the main color, in a room.

  4. Thanks for your comments ladies - like everything else, white is ok in moderation. I just cringe every time I see those all white kitchens!


Let me know what you think!