November 1, 2011

Are You Getting Sick Over Color Choices?

  • “I don't want a puke green”
  • “I don't want a beige that looks like skin” 
  • “I'm so nervous to choose color for my home”
  • “I'm so mad I just painted my home the wrong color!”
  • “My husband is going to kill me! My house looks a dungeon!

I've heard these phrases over and over and over! Choosing color for your home can be extremely stressful. One on my clients was so upset about choosing color for her home, she was actually shaking during our consultation.

Getting upset over choosing color for your home is very understandable. Look what happened with this unfortunate color choice. 


Here are some common color choices that have gone wrong:

“I want a blue for my Living Room”
A little to blue?

“I want a blue for my Living Room”
Now your LR looks like a nursery.

“I just want beige for my home. It's easy and safe”

“I want a Green for my bedroom. It's a relaxing color”
Hope you have a bathroom nearby, this is a little “sickly”.

“I want a gold for my kitchen”
Hello sunshine! Ready to start your day?

With ALL these colors to choose from, and this is a fraction of what's out there, how will you know which colors to pick?

Let me help you with your color choices, 
especially if you live in the Charlotte area. 


  1. I so wish you lived closer. I would have you come and do a color consult. Sometimes designers should hire another designer (like you)to give them a consultation on their own space. Also by the way your fees are very reasonable!!!

  2. I've had clients who were Interior Designers - strange but true! I'd love to come to your home! How fun would that be? And yes, my fees are very resonable : )


Let me know what you think!