September 28, 2011

What Exactly is “Fun” Color Anyway?

Is this fun color?

Did you ever hear someone say, 

“Oh what a fun color!” 
“Now that's a fun color!” 
or simply, 
“That's fun!”

Come to think about it, what EXACTLY is a “fun” color?

Is this fun?


Is fun color just unique color or a unique way of applying it?

Or is fun color just what's trending?

Fun color is YES to all these questions. 

But can fun color be any color - even black? 

So would you say that these three colors are fun?

Or these?

It seems that most people would define fun color as eye catching or color that “pops”, any or all bright colors and perhaps just very lively hues. After all, fun is a very lively word and it describes these colors as full of life and energy.

So perhaps instead of saying it's a “fun color” simply put, let's just say we like it!

Want some fun color in your home? Sure you do! I'm Donna Frasca, a color expert, and I can get you those very lively hues that are fun to you! Contact me to schedule a color consultation @ if you  live in Waxhaw, Weddington, Marvin or anywhere in South Charlotte area.

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