August 15, 2011

Home Furnishing Color Trends for 2012/2013 • From Runway to Home?

From the runways to fashion.

We see designers showing off their colors, fabrics, designs and style. But how, and I've said this before, will be get these colors into our home? Should we have these colors in our home or should they stay in fashion where they originated?

Do we even know what these colors will be?

The funny thing is, if you ask 10 Designers what color trends they think will be next, you'll have 10 different answers. It gets even more compelling because most if not all of the venues, not one or two colors are mentioned but an entire repertoire of colors. One is bound to catch when you mention quite so many.

Looking at the first photo I have in this post shows a snap shot from Fashion Snoops. The model there is shown in blue/gray hues. Not looking at the style of the outfit but only the color, is THIS a color scheme you'd like to see in your home?

Of course! Start looking at fashion as color schemes and not actual outfits. Some styles are really out there but look at the basic color grouping it has. It's like a potential home buyer looking at an un-staged house and having to “look beyond” all the clutter.

Again referencing the first picture, here is a color combo I recently chose for a clients dining room. There's your blue/gray palette and it works. “Software” was the color choice for below the chair rail and “Online” for the rest of the walls. Coincidence? Not really. Look at ALL the models in a runway. So many models - so many colors. I just happened to “find” one.

These are both Sherwin Williams colors. 

See how fashion can start a trend towards the colors we love and would WANT to bring into our home? If you like the clothes that tells me you like the colors which in return means you'll like the colors in your home as well.

Now for a complicated question. What colors do I think will be seen in our homes for 2012 and 2013? That's a loaded question. I think it should be more so what colors will FEEL right in our homes and that can be literally dozens. Having said that, here's what I feel may work.

Seriously though, if I had to choose a palette I'd like to see in homes, it would be real close to these. The main colors being the green and salmon, the rest of the palette is earthy, gentle yet still has a splash of trend. It's warm undertones make it a “happy” palette and colors that may be familiar to us at one point in time or another. So much you can do when color gets Back to Basics.

and here's how they'd work in your home.

Point of this post: ALL colors belong in our home and not just for that current year. Fashion and home furnishings are what we put into our home but when you think about it - WE CHOOSE these colors - be it in clothes or couches, because we LIKE the colors. Don't let fashion influence you on the choices you make to put into your life. Choose color because it feels good to  you.

Here's some related posts you may like to read.

As a Color Specialist in the South Charlotte area, I specialize in choosing color for the homes in Weddington, Waxhaw, Ballantyne, Wesley Chapel and Charlotte. I can't help you with your wardrobe but I certainly can make the color choices right for you and your home. 


Keep in mind that I can help you get color trends into your home such as Tangerine TangoGray or even purple. They are all great looks, beautiful colors but have to be done correctly if your choosing these hues for inside your home.

I'm Donna Frasca, a Color Expert in the South Charlotte area. I specialize in JUST color for your home, partially very large homes with open floor plans. Contact me if you need color of for your home.


  1. such a helpful post :)

  2. Oh,if only we could change colors in our home as easily as we change our clothes. That's my problem--it is hard for me to commit to a color I have to live with for an extended time. Very informative article! Thanks.

    1. I wish is were that easy! With so many colors to choose from and just a few walls, how do you know which one is best right?

      Well there's really so much to consider when choosing the right color. Don't get too trendy yet don't choosing to neutral either. There are colors out there that you wouldn't even consider for your home and yet they'd be perfect! That's where I come in :-)

      I love when I hear my clients say, “I would have NEVER thought of that color!” It's all good :-)

      Thanks for the comment Linda!

    2. pardon me, make that “don't choose too neutral”


Let me know what you think!