April 24, 2011

The Colors of My Easter

As I was sitting in my backyard on this beautiful Easter morning I was surrounded by amazing colors. I'd like to share them with you with a quick post on “The Colors of My Easter”.

I counted at least 20 goldfinches flying around my yard.

I also have a family of bluebirds that are currently nesting. 
There are so many bluebirds here in Charlotte which are such a treat to see!

Purple salvia adorn the edges of my gardens and I was able to catch this busy bee enjoying it as well.

I guess with all the color that I have in my backyard it's ok that my iris's are white. I would really love to have purple or yellow iris's but I guess the birds fill in where color lacks in my yard. It's actually nice to see white as an accent feature in my yard instead of all this vibrant color. So very opposite of what I'd do in a home. Nature decorates the way she wants.

Here I just combined the purples and light colors of the iris. It's a great way to incorporate purple into your home. If the purple is light or muted, you can use it as a wall color instead of just an accent color. As a matter of fact - take a tip from nature. Go ahead and put purple on your wall and use the lighter colors as an accent. Just like the iris's in my yard. 

I hope you are enjoying your colors of 
Easter where ever you are today.


  1. Gorgeous spring colours that lighten our heart!

  2. NATURE is filled with GREAT colour!!!


Let me know what you think!