November 9, 2010

The Color That Will Be Next

After reading a post on Color Me Happy, about the “next color”, I was thinking about the color Maria referred to as “Pinky Gray”. At first I though of the “band-aid” color going through my mind then I thought of the “Oyster Gray”. What is pinky gray????

There's a big color pow wow going on now at the CMG Conference to determine “the one” and I guess the rumor mill is leaning towards a gray of some sort. I'm wondering what exactly does pinky gray look like? I did a post on my color forecast a while ago and came up with these possibilities.

I still felt like a salmon/peach color would be coming in hot and heavy along with a warm green. I also thought that the soft grays would be popular as well. Here are the color swatches that I came up with. You can see the another blog post on the color I predicted to be popular for 2010.

These are the gray/neutrals that I felt would be popular next and actually have used these quite a bit already this year.


The Salmon/Peaches with warm greens. 

So, whatever the newest member of color trends will be, I'm sure the pros have thought about it long and hard and chose the best. 
I can't wait to see “The One”.


  1. Yes, I think the colors with cameo photo will be trend.

  2. Those cameo colors are beautiful!

    I have a friend who works with color trends. I don't completely understand it, but she meets with companies to show them the colors that will be popular three and four years out. I'll have to refer her to your site, Donna!

    Amber @wordsdonewrite


Let me know what you think!