September 8, 2010

The “Odd Wall” Dilemma

Like these colors? Try
 Bracken, Cream  
Kings Arms, Rose Pink Medium 
 Market Square, Green Light 

Pratt & Lambert 
From the Williamsburg Color Collection

I bought my home here in Wesley Chapel, NC brand new so I didn't have the pleasure of the “odd  wall” dilemma. However, I've noticed it in a few of my clients homes who lived in older subdivisions.

What's the “odd wall dilemma?” It's a part of a wall that juts out in a contorted way. There could be a dormer in the room, a bulkhead, the result from a gabled roof, ventilation system - who knows? This is not my area of expertise but I do know that sometimes it's a guessing game when it comes to choosing color for it.

Should you leave it white? If you do, then it seems that part of the wall will be the first thing you notice as you enter the room.

Should you incorporate it into your color scheme ? I say yes! Unless it's a gorgeous wall and you feel it needs to be accented, have it blend in with your color palette.

There will be people that disagree and will insist on keeping it white, then go ahead! I like to accentuate the positive and not eliminate the negative but have it blend.

In this particular bathroom the client will have the wallpaper removed. The colors in the wing chair will be the inspiration for this lady-like loo with the three Pratt & Lambert colors I recommend for her.

How does it flow? 
  • Cream walls
  • Rose Pink accent (wall not shown)
  • Light Green for accessories

So in the case of the “odd wall dilemma” - I SAY PAINT IT!

Special thanks to Paula Doelling Lynn for sending me a Pratt & Lambert goodie package! 


  1. Sounds like a good idea! It will blend better without the wallpaper contrast...of course I HATE wallpaper anyway! lol ♥ I've had such a terrible time getting outdated wallpaper down!

  2. Does anyone even use wallpaper these days? I agree :-)
    It's a nightmare to put up and to take down.

    Thanks for the comment

  3. I had an odd wall dilemma in a clients 13 year old girls room recently and we decided to make it a focal point since it was around a window. Lots of fun!

  4. Marie - that's a great idea. What color did you paint it?

    If I were to accent the odd wall here (see photo) it would look like the front end of the Titanic coming right at you!

  5. Definitely agree, paint it for sure. It's not an architectural feature that you want to draw attention to. Although it does add interest and character to the room, I think.


  6. Hi Donna, Thanks so much for checking out my blog. I am also passionate about color and really enjoy your blog and website. Also you website is coming in handy for my color theory class that I am taking in design school.


Let me know what you think!