August 22, 2010

Summer Color Inspirations Transition into Fall

Long Island Daily Photo
I'm not quite sure what made me think of the coziness of fall and the spicy color palette that it brings while still “enjoying” 90˙ weather here in Charlotte. I found this beautiful photograph on the blog of Long Island Daily Photo and just adored the colors. Did you notice the heart shaped rock in the center? When I looked at all the earthy hues in this photo, I realized that these are some of my favorite fall colors and I gravitate towards these select few in my fall wardrobe.

This cozy collection of Eddie Bauer must haves caught my eye. I just love the down to earth color palette and that you can mix and match just about all their accessories and it'll work. Now that's productive shopping. It's like buying on pair of black slacks and 25 shirts of all colors. No matter what shirt you choose, it'll match your pants.

The same happens when I choose a color palette for a client. Even though each room may be different in color, they all coordinate with each other. 

Do you remember Garanimals clothing? They're a line of kids clothing designed to help parents and children coordinate outfits easily. As long as they had the same animal on the clothing, they would match.

So when I provide a color portfolio for my clients, I include swatches of all the colors of each room. It's nice to know that you can mix and match the colors to your liking and still be confident that they'll coordinate with each other *.

* I should clarify that this mainly works with homes that have open floor plans. I've noticed for the most part, people choose similar decor as they transition from room to room so if that is the case, this will work. However, in the perfect world of Color Consulting, it's best to keep the color that I've chosen to the room in which it belongs.

The color portfolio comes in handy when you need to shop for drapery,furniture or any home furnishing. Bring it with you to ensure a perfect color match to your purchases.

So getting back to a new color scheme for your home, maybe you'd be interested in a “transitional” color palette that still has the warmth of summer but you can feel the coziness of fall. 

Let me know and we can schedule a color consultation and choose the season of your choice. Please view the “Contact Me For Color” link on top of this page for information. 


  1. Wow! I didn't expect to see this pop up in my reader! what a nice surprise. Thank you again Donna.
    It is very interesting to me to see how my photo translates into fabric. Great post!

  2. Donna, I just love these colors...I look forward to Fall!!

  3. I'm having such a hard time getting ready for fall. I just don't want summer to end.

    Thanks so much for your visit.

    - The Tablescaper

  4. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Donna: Thanks for the comment! I do visit your blog regularly and you have great ideas. I am, of course, particularly on the lookout now with our new house in Pittsboro!
    And yes, gray is becoming quite the color. Is this how "trends" begin? Lots of buzz and off it goes... we will see.
    I am going to Maison & Objet in two weeks and will be SO interested to see color over there; I'll be reporting back.

  5. I love the beach rocks..., and the earthy colors!

  6. Yes Libby, I believe the buzz is a big factor in trend setting. Sometimes you can put two and two together to figure out what colors will become popular but for the most part, I feel it's an educated guess. I know there will be slue of people who will disagree with me but that's how I see it. Back in 2006-7 I saw that purple was going to be a popular color (for that year) but that was just from my flukey visions that I get.

    Btw … I also saw that peach/salmon were going to be hot and heavy too but that was only because it's counterpart blue is on the out swing.

    What do you all think?

  7. Love the cable knit pillow..very wintery! The colours are wonderful but it is funny to think of those as I have already turned my thoughts to Spring colours.
    Ness xx

  8. Oh I love Fall colors but I have really had a thing for green lately ;0)


Let me know what you think!