August 17, 2010

Hue Know What I'm Talkin' About?

I've had such an extremely busy two weeks that now 
I'm ready to have a bit of blog fun. 
Some Good-fellas fun!

Have you seen the movie Goodfellas? I'm not saying it's a funny movie by any means but it's almost comical to hear the dialect. Don't get me wrong, some of these scenes are very familiar when one has Italians in the family like I do. For instance, this scene where they're at the dining room table is very familiar. Here you see napkins around necks to catch the "gravy", there's a chunk of bread on the table and a carafe of wine. You can only imagine the conversations! Not sure about the wallpaper though. But I could see a nice rich gold on those walls to complement the beautiful drapery (cough cough).

Filoli Ballroom • Woodlawn Valley Haze • Rosy Sandstone

Let's segway from the stereotypical to the beautiful part of the boot. 

I hope to visit Italy for a very near milestone birthday. What a dream it would be for a Color Specialist to have the honor to visit such a colorful country. Beautiful Venice, a  gondola ride through the small canals, I can't wait! I hear Venice has the Venice Redentore Festival the third week in July that just happens to be my birthday week. This festival ends in a night of fireworks that lights up the skies over Venice for an hour or more. Sounds like a colorful night to me!

Brick Dust • Toffee Crunch • Oregon Trail
Olympic Classics

And of course the food!! Food and Italy are synonymous like I am to color. 

My mother in law is an amazing cook. She had her own restaurant in New York way back in the day. She still cooks amazing Italian food and I even have a few of those recipes under my belt, along with a few pounds thanks to the great cooking! But look at the colors of the food. Talk about a color buffet!

You can't have a great Italian dinner with out dessert and what comes to mind? Italian ice and gelato. You'll see these desserts in both vibrant hues and the more subtle tints as seen here. All good I'm sure … really, I'm sure!

From films to food, funny to fabulous - it's all good. 


If you love the color of Tuscan decor, you'll notice that the same colors will be found in most Italian foods. These are the same colors that were taken from the table setting above. Doesn't it look like the were pulled right from this room? Pretty cool and really great colors. I actually have these in my home too.

This burgundy I have on six columns in my foyer and living room. The gold is scattered throughout my home in similar hues and the brown I have on the tray ceiling in the master suite and as an accent wall in the master bath. The colors are warm, cozy and very inviting. 

If you're local to Charlotte you can email me to schedule a color consultation to have these delicious colors in your home.

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