July 5, 2010

Too Much Hue?

Purple Surf

OK, so you really, really, really love purple. You bought the purple bedding, purple paint, pillows, throw blankets, window treatments and even have purple flowers to match. Suddenly all this purple doesn’t seem so appealing. Loving a color is great but like everything else in life, love it in moderation. If a monochromatic color scheme is what you were trying to achieve, than your fine. Choosing the same color for your room because you don’t know what else to choose, not a good thing. Luckily for you, it's an easy fix. Here are a few color choices that will pretty your room up in no time.

Great Green • Sherwin Williams

Pressed Flower • Sherwin Williams

Butter Up • Sherwin Williams

Exciting Orange • Sherwin Williams

Mysterious Mauve • Sherwin Williams

They all look great with purple! So you see, there really is no such thing as a mistake in the design world. A good designer or DIYer always has plan B incase plan A doesn’t turn out the way you wanted it to. It’s not that plan A was wrong, it’s  just that plan B may be better. The main thing is to learn by your mistakes. The more "mistakes" you make, the more you've learned.


  1. I concur...too much of anything, is never good!!~ Hope you had a great holiday, we sure did, awesome weather we are having Donna!

  2. We had a great 4th Debbie - thanks! Life is good!

  3. This is true... people tend to go crazy sometimes! :)

  4. Anonymous7:55 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I'm glad you like my post. It's a good thing I'm a Color Specialist and not an English teacher right, or is that write? It's all good, we're just talking color here :-)

  6. I love when Blogger has a comment malfunction. I was trying to comment to "Anonymous" and my response didn't show. They were complimenting me on the post but suggested I watch my grammar. Anyway, point is I'm a Color Specialist, not an English teacher right? or is that write? Anyway, we are talking color here. Let's keep it light and fun - whoever "Anonymous" is. Enjoy your day!

  7. Don't you love the "grammar police"? Gees.....
    Anyway, more of my clients have been requesting purple or lavender and I've really enjoyed working with it! A little goes a long way.

  8. This doesn't really have anything to do with decorating (or maybe it does!), but I bought a pair of Vera Wang Lavender sandals the other day and kept the box they came in because I just like the color.

    I just read your post about the HGTV show. You won't believe this, but there was a realtor in my master suite yesterday filming his audition tape for that same thing!

  9. Marie - yea, grammar police with nothing better to do. That's ok. The main focus of my blog is to have fun with color and to write about it, not to publish to the NY Times, not yet at least! Thank you :-)

    Tee - I've bought so many items just because I loved the color - there's nothing wrong with that! Hopefully you'll get some wear out of those shoes.

    HGTV was filming in your master suite? I have to see where you live because they are filming here in Charlotte, August 9-12. That's awesome! You must have one gorgeous boudoir (did I spell that right)

  10. I really loved this post because I just might be color blind and you have come up with so many solutions for the same problem. Awesome really!

  11. You rock! Or should I say Pebble? Thank you :-)

  12. As if the blogging thing isn't pressure enough. My gosh I figure if you can get one of these darn things built and working you're doing pretty good!

    I use Windows Live Writer to help with spelling - it doesn't check grammar. Not because the spelling police might come spirit me away in the middle of the night, but just 'cuz it makes this sometimes convoluted process of blogging a little easier.

    And blogging IS quite the process.

  13. You got it Lori - sometimes people take fun a little too seriously. I will definitely look into the Windows Live Writer but I think that is for a PC. I'm a Mac girl :-)

  14. Wow, that is a lot of purple! Glad my daughter didn't want too much purple in her room!
    Thanks for the compliment on my house Donna! It means a lot coming from you!!!
    Tee's castle, I mean house, is gorgeous! I can't wait to find out about hgtv filming there!

  15. A lot of purple and a lot of options to make it better. Thanks so much Pam!

  16. Hi Donna, another color lover! Yea! Thanks for following my blog and I look forward to reading yours.

  17. I love lavender and have very small touches of it in my home if FL...after all the outside of my house is lavender! lol I've never known specific colors that went with purple! Great ideas for those of us that need help! I love contrasting colors! ♥

  18. LOVE your colour splatters... so FUN!!!


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