July 25, 2010

Getting Figgy With Color

If you have a fig tree, chances are you are knee high with this unusual, fleshy looking fruit right about now. So what does one do with dozens of figs? Well you can eat them right off the tree, dry them, make jam and desserts or, and this is my favorite option - you can use these unique looking fruits as an inspiration for a color scheme!

If you have been reading my blog you already knew where I was going with this right? Ok, without further ado, on with the color! Figs were used as a cover back in "the day" - actually the 1st day as shown in this picture of Adam and Eve and now it can be a beautiful source of color for your entire home. Let's see what we can pull from the fig.

Now here are just 6 gorgeous colors and they all can be seen from the photograph of the fig. You can mix and match these colors in a dozen (at least) different combinations and they will ALL look great together. Why? Because these colors are all coming from the same source (the photo) and I've said it before and I'll say it again …

 - ❝ If it looks good in a photograph it'll look great on your walls! ❞

Having said that, if you're thinking about choosing a color scheme for your home, find a photo that you really, really love and look at the colors in it.  You can choose just one color from the photo or you can color your entire home just like I did here. It's THAT easy.

If you still need help choosing color for your home and you live in the Charlotte, NC area, you can contact me and we can set up an appointment and talk about color inspirations for your home. Now go eat your figs - they are high in calcium and fiber. And you thought figs were just a great color scheme!


  1. I love fig newton cookies...do those count? Great color inspiration here Donna! Stay cool...whew it is brutal. Debbie

  2. Hi Deb - sure Fig Newtons count! They are all shades of golds and browns. Yummy!

    Hot is not the word … I'm lucky I work from home. Whew!

  3. I love figs...and I love this earthy colors! I have a lot of dark earth tones here in our NC condo. It seems to fit with the mountains! ♥ I'm learning to think of colors in a whole different way thanks to your blog! ♥

  4. I loooove fresh figs. What a great idea to make a color palette from a fig.

  5. I try to make my posts different from the others. It gets a little hum drum reading about white or how to make a room look bigger or smaller. Color is fun and should be light and easy - and beautiful of course!

    Thank you!


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